Get help with the cost of your medical marijuana purchases.

Are you on any of these programs? Chip, Pace, Medicaid, Pacenet, Snap, or Wic?

If you are you may be eligible for assistance in purchasing your medical marijuana through the Medical Marijuana Assistance Program MMAP

What is Medical Marijuana assistance program  MMAP?

  • A program to assist with the cost of providing medical marijuana to patients who demonstrate financial hardship or need.
  • A program to assist patients and caregivers with the cost associated with the waiver or reduction of fees for identification cards.
  • A program to provide for the cost of background checks for caregivers
    Currently if a patient or caregiver is registered with an existing Commonwealth financial hardship program they are provided with a 50% discount for their annual id card fee and 65% of federal background check fees for caregivers are covered.

How will the MMAP work?

  • Phase 1 will eliminate annual ID card fees for eligible participants registered with an existing commonwealth financial hardship program
  • Phase 2 will eliminate all fees background checks for eligible caregivers
  • Phase 3 will distribute a to be determined benefit amount per funding period per eligible patient.

When will the expansion of MMAP start?

  • We expect phase 1 to be in place by the end of Q1 calendar year 2022
  • We are in the process of determining how quickly Phase 2 can be implemented
  • Phase 3 implementation is in the process as we design the infrastructure and support system that MMAP requires to be successful

Are there restrictions on the products I can buy with MMAP assistance?

  • Your MMAP balance can be applied to any medical marijuana product from Pa dispensaries.
  • Non Medical products such as devices and accessories cannot be purchased with MMAP funds.

Have questions?

To see if you qualify when the program rolls out, please fill in the form below and we will notify you by email of your eligibility.